Gone to Austin

Hey, from Austin, TX.  It has been just too cold in Bloomington for my blood, so when J had a conference here this weekend, I tagged along. It’s warm and breezy here and such a terrific city – I’ve been strolling the streets and falling in love. Yesterday I walked down to the state capitol…

Five Things

Back home again in Indiana.  Ten plus hours  of dry recyled air in a plane reactivated my cold with a vengeance which left me with a couple of days in bed to brood about my life. I’ve been getting a kick out of reading the “Five Things You Don’t Know About Me” posts as the…

Au Revoir

What a trip – good to the last drop. Couldn’t have had a better time, and it ended as it began, with a full tummy and a happy heart. Blogging has kind of shot the hell out of my mornings (trying to make these crappy indoor, night time photos look remotely appetizing is a challenge),…

Romance in the City

We leave Paris tomorrow  afternoon, so I want to get this posted and scoot outside to enjoy our last day. Looks like a sunny one and the plan, anyway, is to go after lunch to the top of the Tour Montparnasse and see the whole beautiful city laid out at our feet. We’ve never done…

A Tarte Tatin Kind of Day

Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all! It’s drizzly and windy, but soon to be 54 degrees! Compared to the weather reports I am getting from the Midwest, the weather here is darn near perfect. Yesterday was great. Sunny, too! I decided one day of whining in Paris was  one too many, so took my scratchy throat and…

Down But Not (Quite) Out in Paris

Maybe getting repeatedly drenched and chilled is not the way to maintain good health. I don’t know, but I imagine that somewhere the food gods, whichever ones zapped me with a nasty head cold in the midst of our Parisian idyll, are having a hearty laugh at my expense. Go ahead, laugh. I am still…

The Trouble With Paris

The trouble with Paris,  especially if your days here are numbered, is that there is too much to eat and not enough time that you can afford to wait to be hungry again in between meals, snacks, and small bites of this and that. So be it. Yesterday was a lovely day — sunny, rainy,…

Paris, Day II

After my obsession with rain, yesterday, there turned out not to be any. By afternoon it was a lovely, fluffy-clouds-in-blue-sky kind of day. Post-breakfast we headed over to the Place Maubert market. On Saturdays there’s a vendor there specializing in products from the south of France and  I try to stock up on my supply…

First Bites

Greetings on this warm and wet Paris morning.  Looks like we’ll have a lot of rain on this visit but today, at least, it is light and drizzly, the temperature is heading to 50, and the daft birds outside our window have a lot to sing about. So do I, though my brain still has…

Catching Up and Taking Off

I’ve had a couple of things in mind to write about but we are leaving for Paris this evening and time is tight, so I’ll jam them into a single (long) post. Paris for Valentine’s Day! Tonight we head to Paris for our annual Valentine’s Day visit. Usually we go for a weekend, but schedules…

Tallented Chef

I am not great at taking pictures in restaurants. For one thing, the lighting is usually poor and I rarely bring my good camera with me so there is lots of camera shake. Probably more damaging, though, I am so interested in each new course that appears that I have dug my fork into it…